Jon D. Imme†
3 min readApr 2, 2021


Not Every Door Is An Exit — April 1, 2021

Chemo? April Fools!

Well I was obedient this morning and presented myself to receive the possible horrors of Chemo. I thought maybe I would be strapped on a gurney for several hours and then be wheeled out to my family to take me home.

The room was very neat and I was asked if I wanted to sit in the reclining chair next to the large window revealing birds and butterflies playing and enjoying the beauty of the day.

The wind was blowing through the branches causing the trees to share in a rhythmic dance, reminding me of the Holy Spirit.

Before the treatment started a nurse brought a box filled with chips, chocolate and cookies. She listed the drinks available including cranberry, apple, orange juices, water, gatorade, etc. I felt the nurses were stewardesses and I was on a first class luxury flight.

She began the procedure and I didn’t feel anything. I was confused until I realized that today was April first and possibly this was an elaborate April Fools joke.

Then reality set in. I was told that there are two types of chemo; one attacks only cancer cells with fewer side effects. Unfortunately the other chemo is the only one that can be used for cancer of the pancreas and it attacks all cells resulting in much greater side affects.

However those side affects won’t begin for another day or two.

It is kind of like a person who doesn’t immediately see consequences for the bad decisions he made. Like me he might think he was side effects free.

When the consequences fall upon us for our sinful decisions of the past we need someone to remind us of the need for repentance. God is aware of the pain of our victims, God is aware of our choosing our will rather than His, He is aware of the smugness in our hearts convincing us that somehow we are exempt from His Holy judgement.

It’s been a good day today but Jesus must prepare me for the stormy days soon to come.

We must all take a holy moment alone with God and ask Him to reveal our hidden unconfessed sins. Let the tears fall as the cleansing begins. Tremble in shame but also in hope as you claim the Name of Jesus to shield you during the storm of bitter repentance. Hold on to the hand of Jesus as He leads you out of the storm and into the light.

When the shaking stops and the tears are replaced lol with smiles of wonder and joy thank God for the brother or sister whom He used to lead you to repentance. If the doctor hadn’t told me about the delayed occurrence of side effects my joy and confidence would have been replaced by confusion and discouragement.

If the brother or sister hadn’t told you about the unconfessed blockage between you and God you would not be able to advance in your relationship with God.

Yes it is April’s Fools Day but Chemo is no joke. Yes there are unconfessed sins that you have not even thought about. However be assured they are not jokes to God and must be dealt with confession and repentance.

